Radar Appearance Settings

From a radar screen, select Options > Radar Setup > Appearance.

NOTE: These settings do not apply to the radar overlay.
Bkgd. Color

Sets the color for the background.

Frgd. Color

Sets the color scheme for the radar returns.


Sets the brightness of various radar features, such as range rings and tracking symbols.

Look-Ahead Speed

Shifts your present location toward the bottom of the screen automatically as your speed increases. Enter your top speed for the best results.

Extended Range Mode

This setting is enabled by default. Turn off to expand the radar view to show all range rings on the radar screen. This is often referred to as Plan Position Indicator (PPI) mode in international radar systems.

GUID-25CCEC48-337E-47C0-8B89-5C35CCDB65AC v30
January 2025