Showing Polar Data in Data Fields

Before you can view polar data, you must import a polar table from a memory card (Importing a Polar Table Manually).

  1. Open the screen to which you want to add polar data.
  2. Select Options > Edit Overlays.
  3. Select the data field to change.
  4. Select Sailing.
  5. Select the polar data to display in the data field.
    • To show the boat speed from the polar table at the current true wind speed and angle, select Polar Speed.

    • To show the optimal boat speed at the target wind angle, select Target Speed. ​

    • To show the optimal wind angle at the current true wind speed, select Target True Wind Angle. ​

    • To show Target TWA converted to apparent using target speed, select Target App. Wind Angle.

    • To show the difference between the current boat speed and the optimal boat speed shown as speed, select Δ Polar Speed.

    • To show the difference between the current boat speed and the optimal boat speed as a percentage, select Δ Polar Speed Percent.

    • To show the difference between the current boat speed and the target boat speed shown as speed, select Δ Target Speed.

    • To show the difference between the current boat speed and the target boat speed shown as a percentage, select Δ Target Speed Percent.

    • To show the difference between the true wind angle and target true wind angle, select Δ Target True Wind Angle.

    • To show the difference between the apparent wind angle and target apparent wind angle and the true wind angle, select Δ Target App. Wind Angle.

TIP: You can also use the polar table data when calculating laylines and starting line guidance.
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January 2025