AIS Targeting Symbols



AIS vessel symbol

AIS vessel. The vessel is reporting AIS information. The direction in which the triangle is pointing indicates the direction in which the AIS vessel is moving.

AIS target selected symbol

Target is selected.

AIS target activated symbol

Target is activated. The target appears larger on the chart. A green line attached to the target indicates the heading of the target. The MMSI, speed, and direction of the vessel appear beneath the target, if the details setting has been set to Show. If the AIS transmission from the vessel is lost, a message banner appears.

AIS target lost symbol

Target is lost. A green X indicates that the AIS transmission from the vessel is lost, and the chartplotter displays a message banner asking whether the vessel should continue to be tracked. If you discontinue vessel tracking, the lost target symbol disappears from the chart or the 3D chart view.

Dangerous AIS target in range symbol

Dangerous target in range. The target flashes while an alarm sounds and a message banner appears. After the alarm has been acknowledged, a solid red triangle with a red line attached to it indicates the location and the heading of the target. If the safe-zone collision alarm has been set to Off, the target flashes, but the audible alarm does not sound and the alarm banner does not appear. If the AIS transmission from the vessel is lost, a message banner appears.

Dangerous AIS target lost symbol

Dangerous target is lost. A red X indicates that the AIS transmission from the vessel is lost, and the chartplotter displays a message banner asking whether the vessel should continue to be tracked. If you discontinue vessel tracking, the lost dangerous target symbol disappears from the chart or the 3D chart view.

Dangerous AIS target details symbol

The location of this symbol indicates the closest point of approach to a dangerous target, and the numbers near the symbol indicate the time to the closest point of approach to that target.

NOTE: Vessels being tracked with the Blue Force Tracking feature are indicated with a blue-green color regardless of their status.
GUID-25CCEC48-337E-47C0-8B89-5C35CCDB65AC v30
January 2025