Setting the Safe-Zone Collision Alarm


The safe-zone collision alarm is a tool for situational awareness only and may not prevent collisions in all circumstances. You are responsible for the safe and prudent operation of your vessel, for remaining aware of your surroundings, and for using safe judgment on the water at all times.


The Beeper setting must be turned on to make alarms audible (Sounds and Display Settings). Failure to set audible alarms could lead to injury or property damage.

Before you can set a collision alarm, you must connect an AIS device to the same network as a compatible chartplotter.

The safe-zone collision alarm is used for AIS vessels. When a radar is connected to the same network, you can also use the safe-zone collision alarm for MARPA targets. The safe zone is used for collision avoidance and can be customized.

  1. Select Settings menu > Alarms > Collision Alarm > On.

    A message banner appears and an alarm sounds when an AIS-activated vessel enters the safe-zone area around your boat. The vessel is also labeled as dangerous on the screen. When the alarm is off, the message banner and audible alarm are disabled, but the vessel is still labeled as dangerous on the screen.

  2. Select Range, and select a distance for the safe-zone radius around your vessel.
  3. Select Time To, and select a time at which the alarm will sound if a target is determined to intersect the safe zone.

    For example, to be notified of a pending intersection 10 minutes before it will likely occur, set Time To to 10, and the alarm will sound 10 minutes before the vessel intersects the safe zone.

  4. Select MARPA Alarm, and select an option for when the alarm sounds for MARPA-tagged objects.

    A message banner appears and an alarm sounds when a MARPA-tagged object enters the safe-zone area around your boat. The object is also labeled as dangerous on the screen. When the alarm is off, the message banner and audible alarm are disabled, but the object is still labeled as dangerous on the screen.

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January 2025