Viewing Your Stress Score

Before you can view your stress score, you must put on a chest heart rate monitor and pair it with your device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors).

Stress score is the result of a three-minute test performed while standing still, where the Edge® device analyzes heart rate variability to determine your overall stress. Training, sleep, nutrition, and general life stress all impact how an athlete performs. The stress score range is 1 to 100, where 1 is a very low stress state, and 100 is a very high stress state. Knowing your stress score can help you decide if your body is ready for a tough workout or yoga.

TIP: Garmin® recommends that you measure your stress score at approximately the same time and under the same conditions every day.
  1. Select Menu > My Stats > Stress Score > Measure.
  2. Stand still, and rest for 3 minutes.
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August 2024