Calculating NDL Time

You can calculate the no-decompression limit (NDL) time or maximum depth for a future dive. These calculations are not saved or applied to your next dive.

  1. Press START.
  2. Select Plan Dive > Compute NDL.
  3. Select an option:
    • To calculate NDL based on your current tissue load, select Diving Now.

    • To calculate NDL based on your tissue load at a future time, select Enter Surf. Interval, and enter your surface interval time.

  4. Enter an oxygen percentage.
  5. Select an option:
    • To calculate the NDL time, select Enter Depth, and enter the planned depth for your dive.

    • To calculate the maximum depth, select Enter Time, and enter your planned dive time.

    The NDL countdown clock, depth, and maximum operating depth (MOD) appear.

    NOTE: If the planned depth exceeds the MOD of the breathing gas, a warning message appears, and the depth appears in red.
  6. Press START.
  7. Select an option:
    • To exit, select Done.

    • To add intervals to your dive, select Add Repeat Dive, and follow the on-screen instructions.

GUID-9183E86B-2399-4CFC-AB50-EAFC6D6ED326 v3
May 2024