Dive Setup

You can customize the dive settings based on your needs. Not all settings are applicable for all dive modes. You can also edit the settings before you start a dive.

Hold MENU, and select Dive Setup.


Sets the gas blends used in the gas dive modes (Setting Up Your Breathing Gases). You can have up to twelve gases for each gas dive mode.

Dive Network & Air Integration

Allows you to pair Descent™ transceivers and configure the data screens (Air Integration).


Sets the level of conservatism for decompression calculations. Higher conservatism provides a shorter bottom time and a longer ascent time. The Custom option allows you to set a custom gradient factor.

NOTE: Make sure you understand gradient factors before entering a custom level of conservatism.
Water Type

Allows you to select the water type.


Sets the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) thresholds, in bar, for the maximum operating depth (MOD), decompression, warnings, and critical alerts (Setting PO2 Thresholds).

Scuba Alerts

Allows you to set custom alerts for gas dives (Custom Dive Alerts).

Apnea Alerts

Allows you to set custom alerts for apnea dives (Custom Dive Alerts).

Display Settings

Allows you to enable or disable Big Numbers mode and customize the data screens for each dive mode ( Dive Data Screens).

Safety Stop

Allows you to change the safety stop duration.

Last Deco Stop

Allows you to set the depth of the final decompression stop.

End Dive Delay

Allows you to set the length of time before the device ends and saves a dive after surfacing.

CCR Setpoints

Allows you to set high and low PO2 setpoints for closed-circuit rebreather (CCR) dives (Setting CCR Setpoints).

Dive Shortcuts

Allows you to assign button shortcuts for use during dives.

Advanced Settings

Allows you to customize advanced dive mode settings (Dive Mode Advanced Settings).

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May 2024