Performing a Decompression Stop

You should always perform all the required decompression stops during a dive to help reduce the risk of decompression sickness. Missing a decompression stop adds significant risk.

  1. When you exceed the no-decompression limit (NDL) time, begin your ascent.

    Decompression stop information appears on the data screens.

    Decompression stop data with callouts

    Callout number 1

    Your depth relative to the surface.

    As you ascend, your position moves upward toward the required decompression stop depth. The empty segments represent cleared stops. You may clear a stop before ascending to it.

    Callout number 2

    The decompression stop ceiling depth.

    Callout number 3

    The decompression stop timer.

  2. Stay within 0.6 m (2 ft.) of the decompression stop ceiling depth until the decompression stop timer reaches zero.
    NOTE: If you ascend more than 0.6 m (2 ft.) above the decompression stop ceiling depth, the decompression stop timer pauses, and the device alerts you to descend below the ceiling depth. The depth and ceiling depth flash red until you are within the safe margin.
  3. Continue ascending to the surface or the next decompression stop.
GUID-9183E86B-2399-4CFC-AB50-EAFC6D6ED326 v3
May 2024