Device Overview

Front view of the device with callouts

Callout number 1

Power symbol


Select to turn the device on.

Select to turn the backlight on and off.

Hold to view the controls menu.

Callout number 2



Select to start and stop the activity timer.

Select to choose an option or to acknowledge a message.

Callout number 3


Lap symbol

Select to return to the previous screen.

Select to record a lap, rest, or transition during an activity.

Callout number 4


Music notes symbol

Select to scroll through the widgets, data screens, options, and settings.

Hold to open the music controls (Music).

Callout number 5


Menu symbol

Select to scroll through the widgets, data screens, options, and settings.

Hold to view the menu.

Hold to manually change sports during an activity.

GUID-2BA30752-33FB-42B8-8484-69C491706113 v6
February 2024