Golf Menu

During a round, you can press START to view additional features in the golf menu.

End Round

Ends the current round.

Pause Round

Pauses the current round. You can resume the round at any time by starting a Golf activity.

Move Flag

Allows you to move the pin location to get a more precise distance measurement (Moving the Flag).


Shows the bunkers and water hazards for the current hole.

Measure Shot

Shows the distance of your previous shot recorded with the Garmin AutoShot™ feature (Viewing Measured Shots). You can also manually record a shot (Manually Measuring a Shot).


Shows the layup and distance options for the current hole (par 4 and par 5 holes only).


Opens the scorecard for the round (Keeping Score).


Shows the recorded time, distance, and steps traveled. The odometer automatically starts and stops when you start or end a round. You can reset the odometer during a round.


The PinPointer feature is a compass that points to the pin location when you are unable to see the green. This feature can help you line up a shot even if you are in the woods or in a deep sand trap.

NOTE: Do not use the PinPointer feature while in a golf cart. Interference from the golf cart can affect the accuracy of the compass.
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February 2024