NMEA 0183 Settings

Select Settings > Communications > NMEA 0183 Setup.


Enables NMEA® 0183 output sentences for the sounder (if applicable).


Enables NMEA 0183 output sentences for routes.


Enables NMEA 0183 output sentences for system information.


Enables NMEA 0183 output sentences for Garmin® proprietary sentences.

Posn Precision

Adjusts the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for transmission of NMEA output.

XTE Precision

Adjusts the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for NMEA crosstalk error output.

Waypoint IDs

Sets the device to transmit waypoint names or numbers via NMEA 0183 while navigating. Using numbers may resolve compatibility issues with older NMEA 0183 autopilots.


Displays NMEA 0183 diagnostic information.


Restores the NMEA 0183 settings to the original factory defaults.

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