Synchronizing the Fuel Data with the Actual Vessel Fuel

You can synchronize the fuel levels in the chartplotter with the actual fuel in the vessel when you add fuel to your vessel.

  1. Select A/V, Gauges, Controls > Engines > Menu.
  2. Select an option:
    • After you have filled up all the fuel tanks on the vessel, select Fill Up All Tanks. The fuel level is reset to maximum capacity.

    • After you have added less than a full tank of fuel, select Add Fuel to Boat, and enter the amount added.

    • To specify the total fuel in the vessel tanks, select Set Total Fuel Onboard, and enter the total amount of fuel in the tanks.

GUID-EDAF2434-F5D2-4388-8295-1E0403274173 v19
January 2025