Golf Menu
During a round, you can press START to access additional features in the golf menu.
- End Round
Ends the current round.
- View Green
Allows you to move the pin location to get a more precise distance measurement (Moving the Flag).
- Hazards
Shows the hazards for the current hole (Viewing Hazards).
- Measure Shot
Shows the distance of your previous shot recorded with the Garmin AutoShot™ feature (Viewing Measured Shots). You can also manually record a shot (Manually Measuring a Shot).
- Layups
Shows the layups for the current hole.
- Scorecard
Opens the scorecard for the round (Keeping Score).
- Odometer
Shows the recorded time, distance, and steps traveled. This automatically starts and stops when you start or end a round.
- Club Stats
Shows your statistics with each golf club, such as distance and accuracy information. Appears when you pair compatible Approach® club tracking sensors or enable the Club Prompt setting.
- Sunrise & Sunset
Shows the sunrise, sunset, and twilight times for the current day.
- Settings
Customizes the golf activity settings (Activities and App Settings).