Setting PO2 Thresholds
You can configure the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) alert message thresholds, in bar.
- Hold MENU.
- Select .
Select an option:
Select MOD/Deco PO2 to set the maximum operating depth (MOD) and decompression PO2 threshold for your planned bottom gas before you should begin your ascent and switch to the decompression gas with the highest percentage of oxygen.
NOTE: The dive computer does not switch gases for you automatically. You must select the gas. -
Select PO2 Warning to set the threshold for the highest oxygen concentration level that you are comfortable reaching.
Select PO2 Critical to set the threshold for the maximum oxygen concentration level that you should reach.
- Enter a value.
If you reach the PO2 Critical threshold value during a dive, the dive computer displays an alert message (Dive Alerts).
Parent Topic: Dive Setup