Dive Readiness


The dive readiness feature calculates dive readiness scores based on a limited set of factors and does not measure whether or not it is safe for you to dive. It is the responsibility of the diver to judge their own dive readiness and to plan and conduct a dive safely. Failure to do so could result in an accident leading to serious personal injury or death.

Your dive readiness is a score and a short message that can help you decide whether you are ready to dive. The score is continuously calculated and updated throughout the day using these factors:
  • Sleep score (last night)

  • Recovery time

  • Body battery

  • Jet lag

  • Dive history

  • Sleep history (last 3 nights)

  • Training status

Color Zone



Green Green

75 to 100


Ready to dive

Yellow Yellow

50 to 74


Stay focused

Orange Orange

25 to 49


Be cautious

Red Red

1 to 24


Rest before diving

To see your dive readiness trends over time, go to the Garmin Dive™ app..

GUID-EA4C028F-6CC0-4957-9BB2-20B2E5DAE9CD v1
February 2025