Single-Gas and Multi-Gas Data Screens

Gas dive data screen loop with callouts
Primary data screen

Displays the main dive data, including your breathing gas, partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) level, and rate of ascent. You can edit one of the data fields.

Callout number 1

Your nitrogen (N2) and helium (He) tissue load level.

Segment 1: 0 to 79% tissue load.

Segment 2: 80 to 99% tissue load.

When you start a safety stop, the safety stop gauge appears (Performing a Safety Stop).

When your tissue load level reaches or exceeds 100%, the decompression stop gauge appears (Performing a Decompression Stop).

Callout number 2

Your rate of ascent.

Dive ascent speed good: Good. Ascent is less than 7.9 m (26 ft.) per minute.

Dive ascent speed moderately high: Moderately high. Ascent is between 7.9 and 10.1 m (26 and 33 ft.) per minute.

Dive ascent speed too high and Dive ascent speed too high alternating: Too high. Ascent is greater than 10.1 m (33 ft.) per minute.

Dive compass

Allows you to view the compass and set a directional heading to aid with underwater navigation (Navigating with the Dive Compass).

Customizable data screen

Displays additional dive data and physiological information. You can edit the gauges and two of the data fields (Customizing the Data Screens).

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November 2023