The taillight is not responding During a ride, if the taillight status LED is solid red, the device is in an error state. Make sure the device is within the approved operating temperature range (Varia RTL Specifications). Turn the device off, and turn it back on. You can check the battery level on the Sensors menu of your Edge® device. Avoid multiple sources of radar interference. Parent Topic: TroubleshootingHomeTroubleshootingThe taillight is not responding
The taillight is not responding During a ride, if the taillight status LED is solid red, the device is in an error state. Make sure the device is within the approved operating temperature range (Varia RTL Specifications). Turn the device off, and turn it back on. You can check the battery level on the Sensors menu of your Edge® device. Avoid multiple sources of radar interference. Parent Topic: TroubleshootingHomeTroubleshootingThe taillight is not responding