Testing Boundary Awareness Using Distraction

When your dog understands the boundary and returns to the containment area when he hears a tone or receives a correction, you are ready to enhance the training by introducing distractions.

This training phase trains your dog to stay within the containment area even when tempted by distractions outside of the boundary.

TIP: You should have small treats and your dog's favorite play toy available.
  1. Attach the leash to a separate, non-metal collar positioned above the dog collar device.
    NOTE: Be sure the extra collar does not put pressure on the contact points.
  2. On the base unit, set the stimulation level of the dog collar device to a higher setting, depending on the reaction result from Reinforcing Boundary Awareness Using Stimulation, or enable vibration.
  3. Walk your dog to the boundary and return to the containment area to confirm he has a clear understanding of the tone at the boundary.
  4. Maintain control of your dog on the leash, and have someone complete an action to determine if your dog will test the boundary:
    • Cross the boundary and stand outside of the containment area.

    • Throw a ball or treat outside of the containment area.

    • Walk another dog outside of the containment area.


    Never coax or call your dog out of the containment area.

  5. Complete an action:
    • If your dog does not move toward the distraction, offer praise and a treat.

    • If your dog reacts to the distraction, allow your dog to go to the boundary.

    • If your dog does not turn back to the containment area after 2 seconds, use a leash to help your dog back to the containment area.

    NOTE: Offer praise and a treat any time your dog returns to the containment area with or without help.
  6. Gradually increase the distraction level.
  7. Complete an action:
    • If your dog does not respond to the stimulation, confirm that the dog collar device fits properly.

    • If the dog collar device fits properly and your dog does not respond to the stimulation, increase the stimulation level by one.

  8. Repeat this process with other distractions.
    TIP: You can use a variety of people during this process, including neighbors or other family members.
    TIP: You should take your time and be patient with the training.
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