Reinforcing Boundary Awareness Using Stimulation

When your dog becomes familiar with the boundary and returns to the containment area when he hears a tone, you are ready to enable correction.

This training phase trains your dog to stay in the containment area and respect the boundary.

TIP: You should have small treats and your dog's favorite play toy available.
  1. On the base unit, set the stimulation level of the dog collar device to the lowest setting, or enable vibration (Setting the Intensity Level Using the Base Unit ).
  2. Repeat the procedure to introduce your dog to the boundary (Introducing Your Dog to the Boundary).
    NOTE: When your dog is in the boundary area and hears a tone, he will also feel a mild stimulation or vibration. You should watch for a slight reaction to the stimulation such as looking around, raising his ears, turning his head, or otherwise indicating he is feeling something different than normal.
  3. If your dog does not respond to stimulation when he reaches the boundary, confirm that the dog collar device fits properly.
  4. If the dog collar device fits properly and your dog does not respond to the stimulation, increase the stimulation level by one.
    NOTE: Vibration is a fixed level and cannot be adjusted.
  5. Stay at the same flag until your dog resists going to the boundary.

Using tone and correction, your dog should avoid the boundary and stay in the containment area. When your dog returns to the containment area, you should praise him.

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