Introducing Your Dog to the Boundary

Before you introduce your dog to the boundary, you should turn off stimulation on the dog collar device, and set up the boundary (Setting up a Boundary ).

This training phase trains your dog that the boundary flags and warning beep from the dog collar device define the new safe area.

TIP: You should have small treats and your dog's favorite play toy available.
  1. Attach the leash to a separate, non-metal collar positioned above the dog collar device.
    NOTE: Be sure the extra collar does not put pressure on the contact points.
  2. Calmly walk your dog on a leash inside the containment area.
  3. With full control of your dog on a leash, walk to the flags.

    As your dog reaches the boundary, the dog device beeps.

  4. Allow your dog to stay at the boundary for up to 2 seconds, and then guide the dog back to the containment area.

    You should immediately praise your dog as he enters the containment area, even though you helped guide him with the leash.

  5. Repeat this process at the same flag until your dog resists going to the boundary.
  6. Plan to master three or four flags per session.
    TIP: You should praise your dog if he quickly returns or resists going to the boundary.
    TIP: You should make a game out of training your dog to come back into the containment area each time he hears the tone from the dog device.
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