Aviation Settings


This watch is not intended to provide primary flight information and is to be used for supplemental purposes only.

Hold MENU, and select Aviation.

Aviation Units

Sets the units of measure used for aviation data.

Favorite Location

Sets your favorite airport (Selecting a Favorite Airport).


Sets the METAR information to display in undecoded text.

Flt. Condition Colors

Sets the flight condition colors to a standard or classic color scheme.

Weather Download

Sets the download limit for aviation weather data. The Minimal option limits downloads to your favorite airports to improve battery life. The Medium option limits downloads to your favorite and nearest airports. The Maximum option downloads full METAR data, and may reduce battery life.

Airport Options

Sets the airport options that appear when searching for airports. For example, you can set the minimum runway length and surface material, and indicate whether private airports and heliports are displayed in search results.


Sets the aircraft type to helicopter or plane.


Allows you to display a single patch of NEXRAD data, or display additional NEXRAD data patches based on a direction from your current location.


Sets the device to vibrate when a NEXRAD patch download completes.

Cross Track Alert

Sets the device to vibrate when you deviate from your course by a specific distance. You can use the Vibe Pattern option to preview the vibration patterns before you fly.

Fuel Tank Reminder

Sets an alarm to sound or vibrate after a specific number of minutes and displays a message to check the fuel tank gauges. You can use the Vibe Pattern option to preview the vibration patterns before you fly.

Clear Weather Cache

Deletes all downloaded aviation weather data and initiates a new download to refresh the data.

GUID-D21041B7-7A8E-4D01-9DC0-093D2DC7049A v4
June 2024