No-Fly Time

After a dive, you may need to wait several hours before it is safe to fly on an airplane. To indicate your remaining no-fly time, No-fly time symbol appears on the default watch face. You can view more details on the surface interval glance (Viewing the Surface Interval Glance).

Hold MENU, and select Dive Setup > No-Fly Time.

No-Fly Time Mode

Dive Type

No-Fly Time

Standard or 24 Hours

Dive duration of 3 minutes or less or depth of 5 m (15 ft.) or less.

0 hours


Non-decompression dive more than 48 hours since the previous dive.

12 hours


Multiple non-decompression dives within 48 hours.

18 hours


Dive with a completed decompression stop.

24 hours

24 Hours

Non-gauge dive that did not violate the decompression plan.

24 hours

Standard or 24 Hours

Gauge dive or a dive that violated the decompression plan.

48 hours

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November 2023