Reconnecting the Power Cable

If you are replacing the power cable, you must first remove the existing power cable from the steering servo housingRemoving the Power Cable from the Steering Servo Housing.

  1. Pull the rubber shields Callout number one away from the power cable connectors.

    Conecting power cable with callouts
  2. Apply dielectric grease to the power cable connectors Callout number two and bolts Callout number three on the steering servo housing.
  3. Place the power cable connecters over the bolts on the steering servo housing, with the red cable on the positive (+) terminal, and the black cable on the negative (-) terminal.
  4. Using a 10 mm socket, install the nuts Callout number three that secure the power cable connectors.
  5. Tighten the nuts to 30 kgf-cm (26 lbf-in).
  6. Pull the rubber shields down to cover the power cable connectors.
  7. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, install the bracket Callout number four that secures the power cable to the steering servo housing.

    Conecting power-cable bracket with callouts
  8. Tighten the screws to 5 kgf-cm (4.3 lbf-in).
  9. Reconnect the upper link to the steering servo housing (Reconnecting the Upper Link to the Mount Base).
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