Putting On the Heart Rate Monitor

  1. Put on a medium or high support sports bra with a tight fitting band.

    The proper sports bra fit will reduce heart rate monitor movement, maintain good skin-to-electrode contact, and ensure comfort (HRM‍-Fit Sports Bra Guide ).

  2. Wet the electrodes Callout number 1 on the back of the heart rate monitor to create a strong connection between your chest and the transmitter.

    Heart rate strap with callouts
  3. Open the clips on the front of the heart rate monitor.
  4. Insert the sports bra band fabric into the center clip Callout number 2.

    The fabric must lay flat inside the clip.

  5. Close the clip on to the fabric until it clicks into place.

    Heart rate strap with arrow and callouts
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the side clips Callout number 3.

    As you are closing the side clips, use your other hand to lightly pull the sports bra band towards the center.

  7. Make sure the HRM‍-Fit™ heart rate monitor is secured in place, lays flat beneath the sports bra band, and is compressed against the skin.

    Line drawing of the correct placement of the monitor

After you put on the heart rate monitor, it is active and sending data.

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January 2024