Tips for Wearing


Some users may experience skin irritation after prolonged use of the heart rate monitor, especially if the user has sensitive skin or allergies. If you notice any skin irritation, remove the heart rate monitor and give your skin time to heal. To help prevent skin irritation, ensure the heart rate monitor is clean and dry, and maintain a tight fit to minimize heart rate monitor movement.

  • Check your sports bra fit to minimize movement during activity.

    The HRM‍-Fit™ heart rate monitor works best with good compression against the skin.

  • Before you start an activity, jump around and stretch, and make sure the heart rate monitor is still securely clipped to your sports bra.
  • If your sports bra has underwires, make sure the clips do not close on the underwire.
  • Make sure the heart rate monitor strap is clipped on so that it lays flat against the skin with no puckering.
  • When attaching each side clip, lightly pull the sports bra band toward the center, click the side clip in position, and let go of the sports bra.

    Repeat with the opposite side.

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January 2024