Using History

History contains previous activities you have saved on your watch.

The watch has a history glance for quick access to your activity data (Glances).

  1. From the watch face, hold UP.
  2. Select History.
  3. Select an option:
    • To view an activity from this week, select This Week.

    • To view an older activity, select Previous Weeks, and select a week.

    • To view your personal records by sport, select Records (Personal Records).

    • To view your weekly or monthly totals, select Totals.

  4. Select an activity.
  5. Press START.
  6. Select an option:
    • To view additional information about the activity, select All Stats.

    • To view the impact of the activity on your aerobic and anaerobic fitness, select Training Effect (About Training Effect).

    • To view your time in each heart rate zone, select Heart Rate (Viewing Your Time in Each Heart Rate Zone).

    • To view a summary of your running power, select Running Power.

    • To select an interval and view addition information about each interval, select Intervals.

    • To select a lap and view additional information about each lap, select Laps.

    • To select a ski or snowboard run and view additional information about each run, select Runs.

    • To select an exercise set and view additional information about each set, select Sets.

    • To select an exercise move and view additional information about each move, select Moves.

    • To view the activity on a map, select Map.

    • To view an elevation plot for the activity, select Elevation Plot.

    • To delete the selected activity, select Delete.

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June 2024