Marking Laps by Time

You can use the Auto Lap® feature to mark the lap at a specific time automatically. This feature is helpful for comparing your performance over different parts of a ride (for example, every 20 minutes).

  1. Select Menu symbol > Activity Profiles.
  2. Select a profile.
  3. Select Alerts and Prompts > Lap.
  4. Turn on the Auto Lap alert.
  5. Select Auto Lap Trigger > By Time.
  6. Select Lap At.
  7. Select the hours, minutes, or seconds value.
  8. Select Up arrow symbol or Down arrow symbol to enter a value.
  9. Select Checkmark symbol.
  10. If necessary, customize the lap data fields (Adding a Data Screen).
GUID-E67DE53E-5B08-4903-9767-F58973BC1829 v4
June 2024