Following a Course From Garmin Connect

Before you can download a course from Garmin Connect™, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin Connect).

  1. Select an option:
  2. Create a new course, or select an existing course.
  3. Select an option:
    • On the Garmin Connect app, select Menu symbol > Send to Device.

    • On the Garmin Connect website, select Send to Device.

  4. Select your Edge® device.
  5. Select an option:
    • Sync your device with the Garmin Connect app.

    • Sync your device using the Garmin Express™ application.

    On the Edge device, the course appears on the home screen.

  6. Select the course.
    NOTE: If necessary, you can select Courses to select a different course.
  7. Select Ride.
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November 2023