Creating a PacePro Plan on Your Watch

Before you can create a PacePro plan on your watch, you must create a course (Creating and Following a Course on Your Device).

  1. From the watch face, select START.
  2. Select an outdoor running activity.
  3. Hold MENU.
  4. Select Navigation > Courses.‍
  5. Select a course.
  6. Select PacePro > Create New.
  7. Select an option:
    • Select Goal Pace, and enter your target pace.

    • Select Goal Time, and enter your target time.

    The device displays your custom pace band.

    TIP: You can press DOWN and select View Splits to preview the splits.
  8. Select START to start the plan.
  9. If necessary, select Yes to enable course navigation.
  10. Select START to start the activity timer.
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May 2024