Following a Daily Suggested Workout

Before the watch can suggest a daily workout, you must have a VO2 max. estimate (About VO2 Max. Estimates).

  1. Press START.
  2. Select Run or Bike.

    The daily suggested workout appears.

  3. Press DOWN to view details about the workout, such as steps and estimated benefit (optional).
  4. Select START, and select an option:
    • To do the workout, select Do Workout.
    • To skip the workout, select Dismiss.
    • To view workout suggestions for the upcoming week, select More Suggestions.
    • To view the workout settings, such as Target Type, select Settings.

The suggested workout updates automatically to changes in training habits, recovery time, and VO2 max.

Turning Daily Suggested Workout Prompts On and Off

Daily suggested workouts are recommended based on your previous activities saved to your Garmin Connect account.

  1. Press START.
  2. Select Run or Bike.
  3. Hold .
  4. Select Training > Workouts > Suggested Workout > Settings > Workout Prompt.
  5. Press START to disable or enable prompts.