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Inland G-Chart® Details
Using Garmin® Inland G-Chart

Each Inland G-chart cartridge covers all or part of an entire state with an accuracy to 160 feet. States with detailed information that exceeds a chart's memory capacity are divided into regions, while smaller states may be combined to provide the best value in a single cartridge. Once an Inland G-chart is loaded into your Garmin GPSMAP® unit, a coverage outline of the overall area covered will appear on the unit's map page., indicating the highest level of detailed coverage (usually 512, 256, or 128 nm range). Inside the main coverage box, smaller map outlines are used to indicate where detailed coverage is available.

As you zoom in to the scale where detailed coverage begins, the freeways and national/state highways covered on the cartridge will begin to appear, as well as lakes and reservoirs large enough to show up at the selected map scale. As you continue to zoom in on a detailed coverage area, smaller lakes and reservoirs will begin to appear, with boat ramps, marinas, and other items usually appearing at the 16 nm scale. Remember, due to space limitations and to eliminate screen clutter, all items may not appear until you have reached a smaller map scale. It is also important that you check the map configuration settings of your GPSMAP unit to ensure that a specific map feature has been selected to appear at the desired map scale.

Road Coverage

Freeways/Interstates will begin to appear at the highest level of coverage (512, 256, or 128 nm) for the covered state down to the 8 nm (in areas without detailed coverage) or 1 nm scale (in areas with detailed coverage). Freeway text will appear at the same scales.

National highways will begin to appear at the highest level of coverage (512, 256, or 128 nm) for the covered state down to the 8 nm (in areas without detailed coverage) or 1 nm scale (in areas with detailed coverage). Highway text will appear at the same scales.

State highways will begin to appear at the highest level of coverage (512, 256, or 128 nm) for the covered state down to the 8 nm (in areas without detailed coverage) or 1 nm scale (in areas with detailed coverage). State highway text will appear at the 64 nm scale and below.

Local/County Roads will only appear in areas of detailed coverage beginning at the 4 nm scale, down to the 1 nm scale. Only county and local roads in close proximity to inland waters will be shown. Text for these items will appear at the same scales.

Lake Coverage
Lakes and reservoirs covered in detail will begin to appear at the highest level of coverage (512, 256, or 128 nm) for the state down to the 1 nm scale. View Inland Charts.
River Coverage
The emphasis of Inland G-charts is on the inland lakes and reservoirs. Because of the constant change in course and shoreline, major rivers will only be shown down to an 8 nm scale. Waterways connecting inland bodies of water will usually be covered down to the 1 nm scale.
Text Names
The text names of bordering states, bodies of water, cities, and other items will appear at different levels based on the size, complexity, and space availability of the map. In general, text for larger lakes, reservoirs, and cities will appear at the higher map scales, with additional text information becoming available at the lower map scales. The display of any text name will also be limited by the current setting selected from the map configuration menu of the GPSMAP unit.
In addition to providing shoreline and highway information, Inland G-charts display boat ramps, marinas, campgrounds, dams, public facilities, and other items of interest for covered lakes and reservoirs.

Note: The number in parentheses indicates the highest zoom level at which the symbol appears.

Inland G-chart Symbols
User Symbols
One of the great advantages of Inland G-charts is the ability to add your own points of interest using your Garmin GPSMAP unit. These user waypoints can be used to mark a new boat ramp, a marina, or your very own fishing hotspots. These waypoints are stored in the unit's memory and may be configured to show up at the map scale of your choice. With more than 30 symbols to choose from, you can create a cruising guide for your entire state.

Note: Inland Cartography is Not Intended for Navigational Purposes.

For more information, please contact a Garmin Cartography Representative at [email protected]