Viewing Tide Information

NOTE: This feature is not available in all areas.

You can view information about a tide station, including the tide height and when the next high and low tides will occur.

  1. Select the action key.
  2. Select Tides > Search Near.
  3. Select an option:
    • To search near a previously saved waypoint, select Waypoints, and select or search for a waypoint.

    • To search near a specific city, select Cities, and select or search for a city.

    A list of the tide stations near the selected location appears.

  4. Select a station.

    A 24-hour tide chart appears for the current date, showing the current tide height Callout number one and when the next high Callout number two and low tides Callout number three will occur.

    Screenshot of the tide chart with callouts
  5. Select an option:
    • To view more detailed information about the next four tide peaks and troughs, select Down arrow.

    • To pan the tide chart, select the action key, and select Pan Chart.

    • To view tide information for a different date, select the action key, select Change Date, and select the date.

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