Music Player Overview

The information displayed on the music screen varies depending on the source selected. The on-screen playback controls may change depending on the source selected (Playback Controls). This example shows the stereo playing a track from USB device connected to the USB port.

Media controls screen with callouts

Callout number one


Callout number two

Network status (Network Status Icons)

Callout number three Settings

Select to open the stereo settings menu.

Callout number four

Album art (if available from a compatible source)

Callout number five

Track details (if available)

Callout number six

Elapsed time, track duration, and the current track number out of the total number of tracks in the playlist (if available)

Callout number seven Source Icon

Select to change the source (Selecting a Source).

Callout number eight Context menu

Select to open a menu for the current source.

Not available on all sources.

Callout number nine Equalizer

Select to adjust the volume or change speaker zones.

Callout number ten

Speaker zone and volume level.

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