Going to a Business or Named Location
You can say phrases like these to find and navigate to a business or location by name or category.
- Nearby locations
Alexa, ask Garmin to find a coffee shop.
Alexa, ask Garmin to find a library.
Alexa, ask Garmin to take me to Starbucks.
- Locations near a different city
Alexa, ask Garmin to find Mexican food near Denver, Colorado.
Alexa, ask Garmin to find The Field Museum near Chicago, Illinois.
Alexa, ask Garmin to find Casa Bonita near Denver, Colorado.
- Locations near an intersection
Alexa, ask Garmin to find barbecue near 12th Street and Vine.
Alexa, ask Garmin to find Arthur Bryant’s Barbecue near 12th Street and Vine.
Parent Topic: Starting a Route