Going to a Business or Named Location

You can say phrases like these to find and navigate to a business or location by name or category.

Nearby locations


  • Alexa, ask Garmin to find a coffee shop.

  • Alexa, ask Garmin to find a library.

  • Alexa, ask Garmin to take me to Starbucks.

Locations near a different city


  • Alexa, ask Garmin to find Mexican food near Denver, Colorado.

  • Alexa, ask Garmin to find The Field Museum near Chicago, Illinois.

  • Alexa, ask Garmin to find Casa Bonita near Denver, Colorado.

Locations near an intersection


  • Alexa, ask Garmin to find barbecue near 12th Street and Vine.

  • Alexa, ask Garmin to find Arthur Bryant’s Barbecue near 12th Street and Vine.

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