Garmin eLog App Overview

Garmin eLog app overview with callouts

Callout number one

The name of the active driver.

Change duty status

Select to change duty status.

No eLog errors detected

Diagnostic and malfunction indicator. Select to view detailed information about diagnostic or malfunction alerts (Viewing Diagnostics and Malfunctions).

NOTE: The diagnostic and malfunction indicator also appears in the status bar or near the top of every screen on your dēzl™ device.


Select to record adverse conditions, create a Records of Duty Status (RODS) report, or log out.

Hours chart icon

Select to view a chart of your hours of service information.

Drive hours

Select to view a summary of currently available on-duty hours.

Manage shipments

Select to add shipment or trailer information.

Review logs warning

Select to review log information.

Callout number two

Select to view a full-screen chart of your service hours.

Callout number three

Select to review logs for a different day.

Certify logs

Select to certify your logs for the selected day.

Submit daily log

Select to submit a 24-hour log to your motor carrier.

Callout number four

A record of your status for the recorded time period. Select to edit status information and adjust the time.

Hours of service icon

Select to view hours of service information.

View and transfer inspection reports

Select to view inspection reports and transfer reports to a roadside inspector.


Select to view additional system settings.

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