Health Warnings

  • Do not use this product if you have a pacemaker or other internal electronic device.

  • Do not use this product if you are pregnant, if you think you may be pregnant, or if you are pregnant and experiencing pre-eclampsia or toxemia.

  • Always consult your physician before beginning or modifying any exercise program.

  • Measurements provided by this device are for reference only. Garmin® is not responsible for the consequences of erroneous information. This device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Do not adjust your medication based on measurements provided by this device. Take medication as prescribed by your physician. Only a physician is qualified to diagnose and treat high blood pressure.

  • This device is not for use in an oxygen-rich environment.

  • This product is not intended to undergo medical device sterilization.

  • Do not use this device on the same limb as another health monitoring device.

  • If you have had a mastectomy, do not use this device on the arm on the same side as your mastectomy.

GUID-E72F728A-C9B4-4294-967D-EA17F5462A5C v4
August 2024