Conducting an FTP Test

Before you can conduct a test to determine your functional threshold power (FTP), you must pair a chest heart rate monitor and a power meter with your device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors), and you must get your VO2 max. estimate (Getting Your VO2 Max. Estimate for Cycling).

NOTE: The FTP test is a challenging workout that takes about 30 minutes to complete. Choose a practical and mostly flat route that allows you to ride at a steadily increasing effort, similar to a time trial.
  1. From the watch face, select Upper-right button.
  2. Select a cycling activity.
  3. Hold Middle-left button.
  4. Select Training > Workout Library > FTP Guided Test.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    After you begin your ride, the device displays each step duration, the target, and current power data. A message appears when the test is complete.

  6. After you complete the guided test, complete the cool down, stop the timer, and save the activity.

    Your FTP appears as a value measured in watts per kilogram, your power output in watts, and a position on the color gauge.

  7. Select an option:
    • Select Accept to save the new FTP.

    • Select Decline to keep your current FTP.

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September 2024