Media Player

If you have a compatible stereo or stereos connected to the chartplotter, you can control the audio using the media player on the chartplotter:
  • If you have a compatible Fusion® stereo connected to the NMEA 2000® network or the Garmin® Marine Network, you can control the stereo using the chartplotter. The chartplotter should automatically detect the stereo.

  • If you have multiple Fusion stereos connected to one another using Fusion PartyBus™ networking, you can control the networked stereos and groups using the chartplotter. As long as you have one of the networked Fusion stereos connected to the NMEA 2000 network or the Garmin Marine Network, the chartplotter should automatically detect the stereos.

  • If you have a compatible third-party stereo connected to the NMEA 2000 network, you may be able to control the stereo using the chartplotter.

NOTE: Not all features are available on all connected stereos.
NOTE: You can play media only from sources that are connected to the stereo.
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July 2024