Connecting the Device to Vehicle Power

Before you can connect the device to vehicle power, you must remove the warning tag from the +12V terminal on the device.

You should always confirm all electrical connections are secure and will not come loose while operating the device.

  1. Connect the large ring end of the included ground wire Call-out number one to the negative terminal on the vehicle battery.

    Wiring diagram of power and ground connections with callouts
  2. Connect the small ring end of the ground wire to the GND terminal Call-out number two on the device.
  3. Connect the small ring end of the included 12-V cable to the +12V terminal Call-out number three on the device.
  4. Tighten the 3/8 in. nut on the +12V terminal to a maximum torque specification of 4.52 N-m (40 lbf-in.).

    You should confirm the nut cannot be loosened by hand.


    Do not overtighten the +12V terminal to prevent damage to the terminal.

  5. Connect the large ring end of the 12-V cable Call-out number four to the positive terminal on the vehicle battery.
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October 2023