Starting a Toe-to-Toe Challenge

You can start a 2-minute, Toe-to-Toe™ challenge with a friend who has a compatible device.

  1. Hold the touchscreen to view the menu.
  2. Select Activity menu symbol > Toe-to-Toe competition symbol to challenge another player in range (3 m).
    NOTE: Both players must start a challenge on their device.

    If the device cannot find any players within 30 seconds, the challenge times out.

  3. Select the player's name.

    The device counts down for 3 seconds before the timer starts.

  4. Get steps for 2 minutes.

    The screen displays the timer and the number of steps.

  5. Bring the devices in range (3 m).

    The screen displays the steps for each player.

Players can select Reset symbol to start another challenge or select Back icon to exit the menu.

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