Saving or Navigating to a Location on the Map

You can select any location on the map. You can save the location or start navigating to it.

  1. From the map, select an option:
    • To use the touchscreen, tap the map, tap and drag to position the crosshairs, and press UP or DOWN to zoom in or out.

    • To use the buttons, hold MENU, select Pan/Zoom, and press UP or DOWN to zoom in or out.

      NOTE: You can press START to toggle between panning up and down, panning left and right, or zooming.

    Screenshot of a topographical map
  2. Pan and zoom the map to center the location in the crosshairs.
  3. Hold START to select the point indicated by the crosshairs.
  4. If necessary, select a nearby point of interest.
  5. Select an option:
    • To start navigating to the location, select Go.

    • To save the location, select Save Location.

    • To view information about the location, select Review.

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