Entering Jump Information

  1. Press START.
  2. Select Jumpmaster.
  3. Select a jump type (Jump Types).
  4. Complete one or more actions to enter your jump information:
    • Select DIP to set a waypoint for the desired landing location.

    • Select Drop Alt. to set the drop altitude AGL (in feet) when the jumpmaster exits the aircraft.

    • Select Open Alt to set the open altitude AGL (in feet) when the jumpmaster opens the parachute.

    • Select Forward Throw to set the horizontal distance traveled (in meters) due to aircraft speed.

    • Select Crs. to HARP to set the direction traveled (in degrees) due to aircraft speed.

    • Select Wind to set the wind speed (in knots) and direction (in degrees).

    • Select Constant to fine-tune some information for the planned jump. Depending on the jump type, you can select Percent Max., Safety Factor, K-Open, K-Freefall, or K-Static and enter additional information (Constant Settings).

    • Select Auto to DIP to enable navigation to the DIP automatically after you jump.

    • Select Go To HARP to start navigation to the HARP.

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