Going for a Track Run

Before you go for a track run, make sure you are running on a standard-shape, 400 m track.

You can use the track run activity to record your outdoor track data, including distance in meters and lap splits.

  1. Stand on the outdoor track.
  2. From the watch face, press START.
  3. Select Track Run.
  4. Wait while the watch locates satellites.
  5. If you are running in lane 1, skip to step 11.
  6. Press MENU.
  7. Select the activity settings.
  8. Select Lane Number.
  9. Select a lane number.
  10. Press BACK twice to return to the activity timer.
  11. Press START.
  12. Run around the track.

    After you run 3 laps, your watch records the track dimensions and calibrates your track distance.

  13. After you complete your activity, press STOP, and select Save.
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