Interval Workouts

Interval workouts can be open or structured. Structured repeats can be based on distance or time. The device saves your custom interval workout until you edit the workout again.
TIP: All interval workouts include an open-ended cool down step.

Customizing an Interval Workout

  1. Press START.
  2. Select an activity.
  3. Press UP.
  4. Select Training > Intervals.

    A workout appears.

  5. Press START, and select Edit Workout.
  6. Select one or more options:
    • To set the interval duration and type, select Interval.

    • To set the rest duration and type, select Rest.

    • To set the number of repetitions, select Repeat.

    • To add an open-ended warm up to your workout, select Warm Up > On.

  7. Press BACK.

Starting an Interval Workout

  1. Press START.
  2. Select a run or bike activity.
  3. Hold UP.
  4. Select Training > Intervals > START > Do Workout.
  5. Press START to start the activity timer.
  6. When your interval workout has a warm up, select BACK to begin the first interval.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions.

After you complete all of the intervals, a message appears.

Stopping an Interval Workout

  • At any time, press BACK to stop the current interval or rest period and transition to the next interval or rest period.
  • After all intervals and rest periods are complete, press BACK to end the interval workout and transition to a timer that can be used for cool down.
  • At any time, press STOP to stop the activity timer. You can resume the timer or end the interval workout.
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September 2024