Starting a GroupRide Session
Before you can start a GroupRide session, you must have a phone with the Garmin Connect™ app paired to your device (Pairing Your Phone).
- Scroll to the GroupRide glance.
to agree to sharing your live location with other riders.
- Select Name, Date, or Start Time to edit the information (optional).
Add Course to share a course with other riders.
You can select from your saved courses, or you can select Create New to create a new course (Courses).
Generate Code.
Your Edge® bike computer generates a code that you can send to other riders.
> Share Code >
- Open the Garmin Connect app, and select View Code > Share.
Select the method for sharing the code with other riders.
The Garmin Connect app shares the GroupRide code with your contacts.
- On the Edge bike computer, select Start Location Sharing.
, and go for a ride.
The GroupRide data screen is added to the data screens for the active profile.
Select a rider from the
GroupRide data screen to view their position on the map, or scroll to the map to view all riders (GroupRide Map Status).
Parent Topic: GroupRide