Location Search Results

By default, the location search results appear in a list, with the nearest location at the top. You can scroll down to view more results.

Location search results list with callouts

Callout number 1

Select a location to view the option menu.

Callout number 2 Location details

Select to view detailed information about the selected location.

Callout number 3 Parking

Select to find parking areas near the location.

Callout number 4 Alternate route

Select to view alternate routes to the locations.

Callout number 5 Go!

Select to start navigating to the location using the recommended route.

Callout number 6 Search on map

Select to view the search results on the map.

GUID-08757AAA-5C65-4404-AEC2-B375F8BAB199 v4
June 2024