Using the Stress Level Widget

The stress level widget displays your current stress level and a graph of your stress level for the last several hours. It can also guide you through a breathing activity to help you relax.

  1. While you are sitting or inactive, press UP or DOWN from the watch face to view the stress level widget.
  2. Press START to begin measuring.

    TIP: If you are too active for the watch to determine your stress level, a message appears instead of a stress level number. You can check your stress level again after several minutes of inactivity.

  3. Press DOWN to view a graph of your stress level for the last four hours.

    Blue bars indicate periods of rest. Yellow bars indicate periods of stress. Gray bars indicate times when you were too active to determine your stress level.

  4. To start a breathing activity, press DOWN > START, and enter a duration for the breathing activity in minutes.