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NavTalk software version 2.16
as of October 10, 2001
View installation instructions and system requirements
- If this software is uploaded to a GPS unit other than the product for which it is designed, you will not be able to operate that unit. If attempts to upload software fail, you may need to return the unit to Garmin for service.
Change History
Changes made from version 2.15 to 2.16:
- Corrected position age reporting when in extended poor GPS coverage.
- Updated magnetic variation table.
- Prevented chance of lockup on very rare occurrences of a failed first position fix.
- Changed view button to only be enabled if there are services and extended point info for the exits.
- Increased character width of northing field to allow 8 integer digits (by user request).
- Corrected code so an 'enter' key press would pop off the restore defaults page.
- Corrected 'phantom active leg' problem.
- Further restricted zoom key processing to only update cursor position if not in a point review mode.
- Fixed a problem with pan mode after aborting a new waypoint creation/route insertion.
- Updated so invalid sunset/sunrise will be recognized when updating those fields.
- Added limit so map borders are only displayed at 20mi and above.
- Improve poor geometry detection.
- Made minor improvement to DGPS processing.
Changes made from version 2.13 to 2.15:
- Updated location of Garmin®-Taiwan waypoint.
- Updated DGPS Beacon Receiver status strings.
- Added filter options to nearest map point search.
- Corrected restart sequence when unit is inserted in Vehicle Cradle.
- Corrected memory stack issue related to nonvolatile data storage.
Changes made from version 2.10 to 2.13:
- Added support for Geo Points.
- Added vehicle cradle supporting software.
- Added vehicle ignition power down.
- Added support for European data.
- Added power-on beep user control.
- Added 'power-on' backlight feature.
- Modified Arrival Alarm processing to show intermediate 'Approaching waypoint ...' messages for ON setting.
- Modified from United States flag to a generic flag for international support.
- Modified zoom key processing to use the position of the pointer when highlighting waypoints and zooming.
- Modified zoom key processing to update cursor position only when in cursor mode.
- Modified Simulator mode to inhibit 'No DGPS Position' message.
- Modified Auto Data mode calls by inhibiting Location Transfer/Sent/Fail messages. This provides 'stealthy' location transfers during Auto Data mode.
- Corrected Big Compass menu string.
- Corrected sunrise/sunset calculation to eliminate possible sunset overflow.
- Corrected DTMF tone processing when ending a call with tones on.
- Corrected Authentication Key initialization problem.
- Corrected termination of an emergency call.
- Corrected spelling of cemetery.
Installation Instructions
- Download the appropriate self-extracting zip file for your GPS unit into a directory on your hard drive. (i.e., c:\garmin).
- Unzip the files into this directory by running the downloaded executable file (.exe).
- Connect your GPS unit to a free serial port (Com 1, 2, 3, or 4) on your PC with a PC Interface cable.
- Turn on your GPS unit and ensure the Interface setup is set to 'GRMN/GRMN HOST,' 'Garmin,' or 'DATA TRANSFER SLAVE' mode, depending on the specific Garmin model.
- From the DOS prompt, change directory (CD) to the directory in which you unzipped the files, (i.e., c:\garmin), and run the update program: updatesw.exe.