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GPS II Plus software version 2.07
as of April 22, 1998
View installation instructions and system requirements
- If this software is uploaded to a GPS unit other than the product for which it is designed, you will not be able to operate that unit. If attempts to upload software fail, you may need to return the unit to Garmin for service.
- Note: This software is only compatible with the following previous versions: 2.00-2.06
Change History
Changes made from version 2.06 to 2.07:
- Corrects a problem in GPS IIPlus unit operating software versions 2.00 to 2.06 which may cause the unit to erroneously turn itself off.
Installation Instructions
- Download the appropriate self-extracting zip file for your GPS unit into a directory on your hard drive. (i.e., c:\garmin).
- Unzip the files into this directory by running the downloaded executable file (.exe).
- Connect your GPS unit to a free serial port (Com 1, 2, 3, or 4) on your PC with a PC Interface cable.
- Turn on your GPS unit and ensure the Interface setup is set to 'GRMN/GRMN HOST,' 'Garmin,' or 'DATA TRANSFER SLAVE' mode, depending on the specific Garmin model.
- From the DOS prompt, change directory (CD) to the directory in which you unzipped the files, (i.e., c:\garmin), and run the update program: updatesw.exe.
The upload process should take approximately 3-10 minutes to complete. When the upload process is complete, the unit will reset itself and turn on normally.