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StreetPilot III software version 2.80
as of August 12, 2004
Voice Language Packages
Your StreetPilot III has memory space for two internal voice languages.
The following will overwrite each other in the first space:
English (UK)
English (USA)
The following will overwrite each other in the second space:
View installation instructions and system requirements
- WARNING: If you are updating from a version less than 2.31, this software will clear user memory. Please back up important data to MapSource.
Change History
Changes made from version 2.70 to 2.80:
- Corrected routing within the central London toll area when using European City Navigator v6 cartography.
Changes made from version 2.60 to 2.70:
- Problems Corrected:
- Recalculating a route didn't prompt for calculation method.
- POI and waypoint symbols with a red cross were changed to use a blue cross to avoid confusion.
- Corrected operation of the detour function, which was broken in version 2.50.
- Features Added:
- Added support for new features in the upcoming MapSource City Navigator release.
Changes made from version 2.50 to 2.60:
- Corrected a problem where the wrong destination could sometimes be displayed after activating a saved route.
- Corrected a problem where the serial communication format settings were not saved after resetting to defaults.
- Corrected a problem that caused via points to be deleted when a route was recalculated using the route menu.
- Corrected a problem where via points were indicated to be on the wrong side of the road.
Changes made from version 2.40 to 2.50:
- Added partial route recalculation support.
- Replaced French strings with new translations.
- Fixed problem with MapSource halting when a route is transferred from the unit with the destination point deleted.
- Fixed problem with Date field not showing the second digit of the year on the time tab.
Changes made from version 2.32 to 2.40:
- Added support for adding and removing via points.
- The Routes menu now contains a 'Via Point' entry for adding and removing via points to/from the active route. Via points are intermediate destinations that will be reached on the way to the final destination. They may also be used to modify the active route to select an alternate path.
- New via points are selected from the map or the Find menus. A route can have up to 100 via points in it. Only the last via point in the route can be added or removed. In other words, removing a via point always deletes the last via point, and via points are always inserted after any existing via points.
- After adding or removing a via point, the active route is immediately recalculated.
- Preserve via points when recalculating a route.
- Added the ability to select the turn shown on the Next Turn page by using the UP and DOWN direction keys during route navigation. When the page showing turn information is displayed by selecting a turn from the Current Route page or pressing the SPEAK key, the DOWN key will change the screen to show the following turn. Similarly, the UP key will show the previous turn.
- Fix drawing of topographic lines in parks.
- Improved the 'Turn Review' page map processing to update the next turn quicker when turns are close together.
Changes made from version 2.31 to 2.32:
- Changed guidance text when leaving roundabout to agree with voice prompt (exit instead of right/left) when the unit's language is set to English.
- Increased number of supported vias in AutoRoute from 20 to 100.
- Enable Attention Tone for route guidance when Voice is set to 'SPEAK key only'.
- Always display the Data Card Information page when the unit is powered on.
Changes made from version 2.22 to 2.31:
- Maximum AutoRoute points increased from 254 to 1200.
- Australian map support.
- Added support for finding multiple exit roads with the same name.
- Fixed intermittent nearest POI shutdown/lockup.
- Fixed missing duplicate cities when finding cities by name.
- Added support for Danish, Swedish, and Dutch voices.
- Made minor correction when speaking with the German voice.
- Modified voice to fix French numbers.
- Improved guidance through roundabouts.
- Modified roundabout voice behavior to indicate the leaving of the roundabout by the word 'exit' for the English language.
Changes made from version 2.21 to 2.22:
- Fixed problems related to left/right maneuvers when leaving/joining roads.
- Fixed problem preventing abbreviation of cardinal directions in some instances.
- Made corrections to all text translations.
- Made changes for German voice.
- Added support for extended roundabout maneuvers.
- Fixed problem preventing next street from being shown on map page in some instances.
Changes made from version 2.20 to 2.21:
- Added support for diacritic characters in map data.
- Added the ability to find streets by each word in the name when supported by the map data
- Added keep left or right prompts for ramps that split at angles between 67.5 and 90 degrees.
- Removed guidance prompts when traveling on a major road that turns when meeting a residential road that continues straight.
- Improved ETEs for shortest distance routes.
- Fixed a problem that would sometimes cause routes to start off or end on a seemingly odd end of the street.
- Eliminated possible shutoffs when determining next street.
- Fixed problem of sign text and exit numbers occasionally not appearing in map page guidance text.
Changes made from version 2.13 to 2.20:
- Improved route guidance text. During route guidance, the instruction text now includes road sign data such as exit numbers, highway names, and landmark names.
- Added Detour feature to Routes menu. This feature is available from the Routes menu when a route is being navigated. This will calculate a new route to your destination and will avoid the current road (and possibly subsequent roads) in your current route. You may select from a range of distances to detour depending on your situation. The result of any detour is that you will be guided off of the active route as soon as it is possible to take on an alternate route. Keep in mind that your new route will not use any portions of the previous route which are within the selected detour distance from where you started the detour.
- After doing a detour, the roads that you avoided will be remembered throughout your navigation to the current destination. So, if you recalculate your route (either manually or automatically) after doing a detour, you will not be re-routed through the originally avoided roads. Once you stop navigation (with the Stop function on the Routes menu) or turn the StreetPilot III off, the list of avoided roads will be cleared. HINT: If you want to 'un-detour,' you can Stop, Resume, and then Recalculate.
- Added 13 foreign text languages.
Changes made from version 2.12 to 2.13:
- Added new Safety Feature:
Safe Mode encourages attentive driving by disabling certain interactive features while your vehicle is moving. You may disable Safe Mode (to allow a passenger to use these features) on the Safety Tab of the System Setup page.
- Improved guidance in the presence of roads that only deviate by a very small angle.
- Improved card access times, resulting in faster map drawing and route calculation.
- Improved projection of the start position for route calculation.
- Added recalculating feature that executes if the start position was not projected far enough and the first turn is behind the current position or the user turned before the initial calculation was complete.
- Modified behavior of disabled maps on the MapSource Info page. Any maps that are disabled cannot be used for routing.
- Modified off-route detection to not declare off-route if satellite reception is lost for brief periods of time.
- Corrected roundabout guidance. In some situations the wrong turn guidance was given.
- Corrected route guidance for ramps that connect to high speed roads at steep angles.
- Corrected a possible problem with map drawing after uploading maps from MapSource.
- Added Language tab on the System Setup page to support foreign languages when available.
- Corrected page update when canceling the delete waypoint confirmation page.
Changes made from version 2.11 to 2.12:
- Corrected route calculation problem that could cause the unit to cancel the calculation and leave the unit without an active route.
- Corrected display of track log recording mode when using indoors mode.
- Increased off-route detection distance.
Changes made from version 2.10 to 2.11:
- Improved speed of searches on big cards when used with MapSource 4.01 or greater.
- Improved guidance for basemap routes by displaying and saying Turn West instead of Turn Left because the basemap does not contain exit ramps.
- Improved basemap route calculation.
- Added learning capability to the estimated time to destination for saved routes. As you drive the route, it adjusts the estimated time according to how long it actually took you to drive that part of the route last time.
- Added support for NMEA IN serial communication to the NMEA interface selection which was previously NMEA OUT only.
- Corrected route navigation problem that could have caused bad directions if the destination point or via point was located at an intersection.
- Corrected problem that caused the Take Ramp voice instruction to report the incorrect turn direction in rare situations.
- Modified Find nearest lists (nearest businesses, cities, waypoints, and exits) to update continuously. Please note: The yellow highlight is no longer visible when a nearest list is initially displayed. The highlight can be introduced by pressing ENTER or any direction on the rocker keypad. Introducing the highlight allows you to scroll through and select any of the nearest items listed and it also freezes the list in its current order. To remove the highlight and resume continuous searching for nearest items, press the QUIT key.
- Corrected the number of duplicate named POI items displayed if it is 4 digits long.
- Corrected problem with the address and intersection search that could cause them to return none found with a single map loaded.
- Corrected problem that causes the cursor to disappear if panning on the map page and then selecting map setup from the menu.
- Reduced distance before detecting off route condition.
- Corrected value for type of position in PVT Data output protocol.
- Corrected routing so it does not violate turn restrictions in some specific situations.
- Corrected Battery Saver mode so it stays on the correct setting when power cycled.
Installation Instructions
- It is recommended that you disable screen savers or other programs running on your PC while you go through the update process. Disruptions to the update process may render your GPS inoperable. If the transfer is interrupted, turn off the GPS and then turn it back on. Reboot your PC, go to step #9 and attempt the download again. GARMIN is not responsible for failed downloads of operating software to the GPS and factory resetting the GPS unit will fall under our Flat Rate Repair Policy.
- Click on "Download" and choose to save the file to your computer.
- Choose a location where you can easily locate the file by saving it to a location such as the "My Documents" folder or to "C:\".
- Once the download is complete, go to the location where you saved the file.
- Locate the downloaded file and double-click on it. This will launch the Win-Zip Self Extractor. This program compresses the data to allow for a faster download of the needed files.
- A program window will appear asking you where to "Un-zip" the files. This is by default C:\Garmin. You can change this location if you like. Be sure to note where the un-zipped files are going to allow you to find them!
- Click on the button labeled "Un-zip".
- Once the un-zip process is complete, click on the "Close" button to exit the Win-Zip Self Extractor.
- Open the C:\Garmin (or other folder where you un-zipped the files), locate the file named "Updater" and double click on it.
- Connect your GPS to your computer using a GARMIN PC Interface cable to an open serial port. Turn the GPS on, place it in Simulator mode (refer to your owner's manual for instructions) and verify that the Interface Mode (found under the Main Menu page, refer to your owner's manual for instructions) is set to GARMIN, GRMN, GRMN/GRMN, or Data Transfer/Host mode.
- Click on the "OK" button on the Updater program window to start the data transfer.
System requirements
- IBM-compatible PC running Windows 2000 or later operating system and an available Com 1, 2, 3, or 4 port.
- PC Interface Cable for your GPS unit. The PC Interface Cable may be purchased through your local Garmin distributor or ordered direct from our Online Store.